Downey, Gary and Juan Lucena, eds. 2009. Engineering Studies: Journal of the International Network for Engineering Studies. Special Issue: Locating Engineers: Education, Knowledge, Desire.
- Coping with the Second Industrial Revolution: fragmentation of the French engineering education system, 1870s to the present. Chatzis, K. Pp: 79 – 99
- The dialectic between expert knowledge and professional discretion: accreditation, social control and the limits of instrumental logic. Seron, C. ; Silbey, S. S. Pp: 101 – 127
- Walking the line? The enactment of the social/technical binary in software engineering. Lagesen, V. A. ;Sørensen, K. H.. Pp: 129 – 149
- Success, recruitment, and retention of academically elite women students without STEM backgrounds in US undergraduate engineering education. McLoughlin, L. A. Pp:151 – 168
Brown, John, Gary Lee Downey, and Maria Paula Diogo, eds. 2009. “Engineering Education.” Technology and Culture 50(October)4 (Special 50th Anniversary Issue).
- “Liberal Education Has Failed”: Reading Like an Engineer in 1960s America. Wisnioski, M. Pp: 753-782
- Aligning India in the Cold War Era: Indian Technical Elites, the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur, and Computing in India and the United States. Bassett, R. Pp: 783-810
- Engineering Education and the Identities of Engineers in Colombia, 1887–1972. Valderrama, A.; Camargo, J.; Mejía, I.; Mejía, A.; Lleras, E.; García , A. Pp: 811-838
Lucena, Juan C. and Gary Lee Downey, eds. 2006. IEEE Technology and Society.25(Summer)2. Special Issue: From Region to Countries: Engineers and Engineering Education in Bahrain, Egypt, and Turkey. pdf
- Development of Engineering Education in Bahrain. Al-Sammak, A.-I., Al-Shehabi,H. Pp. 12-17
- Special Issue Introduction—From Region to Countries: Engineering Education in Bahrain, Egypt, and Turkey. Lucena, J.C., Downey, G.L., Amery, H.A.. Pp. 4-11 pdf
- Engineering and Engineering Education in Egypt. El-Sayed, O.L., Lucena, J.C., Downey, G.L. Pp. 18-25.
- Engineering Education and Practice in Turkey. Tantekin-Ersolmaz, S.B., Ekinci, E., Saglamer, G. Pp. 26-35.
- Struggles of Management Engineering Education in Turkey. Ozkale, L. Pp. 36-42
- Commentary on the Special Issue – Today and Tomorrow: Engineering Education in Transitioning Societies. Oberst, B.S., Jones, R.C. Pp. 43-50
Hogle, Linda and Gary Lee Downey, eds. Fall 1999. Anthropology of Work Review. Special Issue: Working for Them: Essays in Honor of Diana Forsythe.
- Introduction to the IssueL Working for them: Essays in Honor of Diana Forsythe. Hogle, L. and Downey, G. Pp:1 pdf
- Ethics and Politics of Studying Up in Technoscience. Forsythe, D. E. Pp: 6
- Critical Practices. Suchman, L. Pp: 12
- Ethnography and Internet Time: Ethics, Politics, and Poetics. Sherry, J. Pp: 15
- A View from the Basement: The Ethics and Politics of Teaching Engineers while Studying Them. Croissant, J. L. Pp: 22
- The Authonomy Question and the Changing Conditions of Social Science Work. Hess, D. Pp: 34