Committee Chair (49)
- Po-jen Bono Shih, Ph.D., December 2022, STS Blacksburg, Engineering as Technology of Technology and the Subjugated Knowledge.
- Seohyun Park, Ph.D., expected May 2022, STS Blacksburg, Dammed Nation: How Hydroengineering Transformed the Postwar Korean Waterscape (co-chair).
Jennifer Henderson, Ph.D., December 2016, STS Blacksburg, To Err on the Side of Caution:’ Ethical Dimensions of the National Weather Service Warning Process” (co-chair) (Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Colorado Boulder).
Marcia Davitt, Ph.D., May 2015, STS Blacksburg, Priming the Pump with Grass, Trees, and Waste: How Biofuels Policy and Research Discourse are Shaping Regional and Global Habitats (co-chair). (Destination Areas Project Director, Office of the Provost, Virginia Tech).
William Mullis, Ph.D., May 2015, STS Greater Capital Region, The Establishment and Maintenance of Expertise in the Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce (Professor of Software Engineering, U.S. Defense Acquisitions University).
John Tucker, Ph.D., December 2013, STS Greater Capital Region, American Intelligence, Unwilling Technology Transfer, and the V-2 Missile: A Case Study in the Epistemology of Technical Knowledge (co-chair) (deceased).
Kacey Beddoes, Ph.D., December 2011, STS Blacksburg, Practices of Brokering: Between STS and Feminist Engineering Education Research.
Kuo-Hui Chang, Ph.D., December 2010, STS Blacksburg, Engineering Construction as Community Formation: the High-speed Railway, Localized-democracy and Hybrid Culture in Taiwan (Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University).
Brent Jesiek Ph.D., May 2007, STS Blacksburg, Between Discipline and Profession: A History of Persistent Instability in Computer Engineering. (Recipient, 2007 Outstanding Dissertation Award, Graduate School, Virginia Tech; Associate Professor, Engineering Education, Purdue University).
Wairimu Njambi, Ph.D., May 2001, Program STS Blacksburg, Science and the Debate over Female Circumcision (Associate Professor of Women’s Studies and Sociology, Florida Atlantic Honors College).
Amy Crumpton, Ph.D., December 1998, STS Blacksburg, Epidemiology and Environmental Justice (Research Archivist, American Association for the Advancement of Science).
Juan Lucena, Ph.D., December 1996, STS Blacksburg, Making Policy for Making People: Manpower Policy at the National Science Foundation (Professor, Colorado School of Mines).
Juan Rogers, Ph.D., May 1996, STS Blacksburg, Multiple Discourses on Information Infrastructure (Professor of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology).
Rafael Balderrama, Ph.D., May 1996, STS Blacksburg, Standardization in Agricultural Machinery (Professor of Sociology, Universidad Central de Venezuela).
Dey W. Watts, Ph.D., May 1995, Department of Landscape Architecture, An Ethnomethodological Study of Architectural Design (Professor of Geography, Indiana University of Pennsylvania).
Chung-Hsi Lin, Ph.D., May 1994, STS Blacksburg, The Politics of Development of Scientific Development in Taiwan: The Hepatitis B Control Program (Professor of Cultural Conservation, Yun Lin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan).
Maarten Heyboer, Ph.D., May 1992, STS Blacksburg, The Grass Counters: Range Management as Applied Science (Associate Professor, History, SUNY Polytechnic Institute).
(Note re M.S. degrees below: listed positions were immediately following completion)
- Christopher Gewirtz, M.S., expected December 2021, STS Blacksburg.
- Po-jen Shih, M.S., December 2016, STS Blacksburg, exam option (Ph.D. student, STS Blacksburg, Virginia Tech).
- Samantha Fried, M.S., May 2016, STS Blacksburg, exam option (co-chair) (Ph.D. student, STS Blacksburg, Virginia Tech).
- Jennifer Henderson, M.S., December 2015, STS Blacksburg, exam option (co-chair) (Ph.D. student, STS Blacksburg, Virginia Tech).
- Sara Hood, M.S., December 2015, STS Blacksburg, exam option (Outreach Assistant, Crisis Support Services of Alameda County, California).
- Kristen Koopman, M.S., May 2015, STS Blacksburg, exam option (Ph.D. student, STS Blacksburg, Virginia Tech).
- Keith Johnson, M.S., May 2014, STS Blacksburg, exam option (Interpretive Ranger, National Park Service).
- Merc Fox, M.S., May 2014, STS Blacksburg, exam option. (Ph.D. student, STS Blacksburg, Virginia Tech).
- Margaret Layne, M.S., May 2012, STS Blacksburg, exam option (Director, AdvanceVT & Faculty Projects, Virginia Tech).
- Timothy Jennings, M.S., May 2012, STS Blacksburg, exam option (Ph.D. student, STS Blacksburg, Virginia Tech).
- Sumitra Nair, M.S., May 2012, STS Blacksburg, exam option (Ph.D. student, STS Blacksburg, Virginia Tech).
- Nicholas Sakellariou, M.S., May 2008, STS Blacksburg, exam option (Ph.D. student, University of California, Berkeley — Assistant Professor, California Polytechnic State University).
- Masanori Wada, M.S., December 2007, STS Blacksburg, “Engineering Education and the Spirit of Samurai at the Imperial College of Engineering in Tokyo, 1871-1886.” (Ph.D. student, Tokyo Institute of Technology – Associate Professor, Mie University, Japan).
- Sharon Elber, M.S., December 2007, STS Blacksburg, exam option (Ph.D. student, STS, Virginia Tech).
- Cora Olson, M.S., May 2007, STS Blacksburg, exam option (Ph.D. student, STS, Virginia Tech).
- John Fiore, M.S., December 2004, STS Alexandria, exam option.
- Amy Nichols, M.S., May 2003, STS Blacksburg, “Globalization on the Ground: An Ethnography of Volunteerism, Health, and Development in Rural Tanzania” (Ph.D. student, cultural anthropology, University of Virginia).
- Brent Jesiek, M.S., May 2003, STS Blacksburg, “Of Meme and Metaphor: Following the Evolution of a Controversial Discipline” (Ph.D. student, STS Blacksburg, Virginia Tech).
- Stephen Garber, M.S., January 2002, STS Falls Church, “Birds of a Feather?: How Politics and Culture Affected the Designs of the U.S. Space Shuttle and the Soviet Buran” (Staff Historian, NASA).
- Krista Gile, M.S., May 2000, STS Blacksburg, exam option (Ph.D. student, Statistics, University of Washington).
- Angela Ragusa, M.S., May 2000, STS Blacksburg, exam option (Ph.D. student, Sociology, Virginia Tech).
- Bingbing Yu, M.S., May 1999, STS Blacksburg, exam (Ph.D. student, Instructional Technology, Case Western Reserve University).
- Ming-hui Hu, M.S., May 1997, STS Blacksburg, “Maintaining NASTRAN: The Politics and Technics of Aerospace Computing” (Ph.D. student, Department of History, UCLA).
- Carmen Sears, M.S., December 1996, STS Blacksburg, “(Re)Visions of the Village.” (Senior Manager, Teloquent [software firm], Cambridge, Massachusetts).
- Tobin White, M.S., May 1996, STS Blacksburg, “How to Do a Physics Problem: Negotiation of Student Identities in Undergraduate Physics Courses” (Ph.D. student, Education, Stanford University).
- Shannon Hegg, M.S., May 1995, STS Blacksburg, “A Guide to the Experiences of Undergraduate Women Engineers” (Engineer/planner for Microsoft, Inc.).
- Chris Furlow, M.S., May 1993, STS Blacksburg, “The Islamization of Scientific Knowledge” (Ph.D. candidate, Anthropology, University of Florida).
- Stephane Castonguay, M.S., May 1993, STS Blacksburg, “The Legitimation of Agrobiology in Quebec” (Ph.D candidate, History, University of Quebec at Montreal).
- Virginia Salmon, M.S., May 1991, STS Blacksburg, “Technical Theatre and the Computer” (Librarian, state college, Tennessee).
- Maarten Heyboer, M.S., September 1989, STS Blacksburg, “Knowledge Development in Applied Science: The Case of Range Management.” (see above)
- Hong L. Oei, M.S., June 1989, STS Blacksburg, “A Study of Multi-Disciplinary Research Centers at Virginia Tech” (Ph.D. 1994, Public Administration and Policy, Virginia Tech. Senior staff person, National Science Foundation, The Netherlands).
Committee Member (42)
- Annie Patrick, Ph.D., expected May 2022, , STS Blacksburg, Engaging with the Invisible:
STS Groundwork in an Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. - Jennifer Carter, Ph.D., expected May 2022, STS Greater Capital Region, Undoing Standards.
- Marie Stettler Kleine, Ph.D., December 2020, STS Blacksburg, Proselytizing Problem-Solving:
The Religious and Secular Values of Engineering for Good. - Seungmi Chung, Ph.D., May 2020, An Expert? Or One of Us?: The Positioning of the Korean Astronaut in the Transitional Period between Catch-up and Post Catch-up.
- Samantha Fried, Ph.D., May 2019, STS Blacksburg, Remote Sensing, Instrumentation, and Cyborg Infrastructures.
- Kari Zacharias, Ph.D., December 2018, STS Blacksburg, Becoming Transdisciplinary: Research, Innovation, and Belonging in SEAD.
- Amy Kaminski, Ph.D., May 2015, STS Greater Capital Region, Sharing the Shuttle: NASA’s Engagement of the American Public after Apollo.
- Yong-Seok Park, Ph.D., May 2014, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Theory and Methodology for Forming Creative Design Teams in a Globally Distributed and Culturally Diverse Environment.
- Jongmin Lee, Ph.D., May 2013, STS Blacksburg, Regulatory Engineering at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: 1970-1980.
- Cora Olson, Ph.D., May 2013, STS Blacksburg, Ab-normal Athletes: Technomedical Productions of Gender, Sports, Fairness and Doping.
- Jonson Miller, Ph.D., December 2008, STS Blacksburg, Citizen Soldiers and Professional Engineers: The Antebellum Engineering Culture of the Virginia Military Institute.
- Absalom Phiri, Ph.D., May 2008, Teaching and Learning, Virginia Tech, Science Education and Indigenous Knowledge in Malawi.
- Jane Lehr, Ph.D., December 2006, STS Blacksburg, Science Education & Non-Scientists: Social Justice, Scientific Literacy, and the Remaking of Democratic Citizenship.
- Laura DeNardis, Ph.D., May 2006, STS Alexandria, Politics of the Next Generation Internet.
- John McGlaughlin, Ph.D., May 2006, Teaching and Learning, Virginia Tech, Social Shaping of Biotechnology in the Classroom.
- Gabriella Coleman, Ph.D. June 2005, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, The Free Software Movement.
- Dean Nieusma, Ph.D., December 2004, STS Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Appropriate Expertise: Alternative Energy Technology Design in Sri Lanka.
- Maria Rentetzi, Ph.D., May 2003, STS Blacksburg, Crossing Boundaries: The Gendered Production of Knowledge at the Institute for Radium Research in Vienna, 1920-1938.
- Stephen Poulson, Ph.D., December 2002, Department of Sociology, Virginia Tech, Islamic Sovereignty as a Social Movement Frame in 20th Century Iran.
- Annette Huston, Ph.D., December 2001, STS Blacksburg, Carillion: A Corporate System of Managed Health Care.
- Brenda Brand, Ph.D., May 1998, Teaching and Learning, Multiculturalism in Science Teaching and Learning.
- Seungho Jung, Ph.D., December 1997, Department of Industrial Systems Engineering, Total Quality Management between Organizations.
- Charlotte Webb, Ph.D., December 1997, STS Blacksburg, A History of the Virginia Academy of Science.
- Stuart Laughton, Ph.D., May 1996, Department of Computer Science, An Ethnography of Internet-based Applications in Education.
- Govindan Parayil, Ph.D., May 1990, STS Blacksburg, Conceptualizing Technological Change: A Trans-Systemic Approach.
- Steve Downes, Ph.D., May 1990, STS Blacksburg, Prospects for a Cognitive Science of Science.
- Michael Riordan, Ph.D., June 1989, Department of Accounting, A Profile of the Accounting Profession.
- Brent Voelker, M.S., May 2011, STS Alexandria.
- Mike Conners, M.S., May 2011, STS Greater Capital Region, “Surveillance and Society.”
- Chris Hays, M.S., May 2009, STS Blacksburg, exam option.
- Allison Martin, M.S., May 2007, STS Blacksburg, “Breaking News or Business Novelty: Technology Coverage in Modern American Print Media.”
- May 2002, M.S., Frankie Bausch, STS Blacksburg, “Examining One’s Own: Reflexivity and Critique in STS.”
- Victoria Friedensen, M.S., December 1999, STS Falls Church, “Nuclear Policy in Space.”
- Joseph Kestel, M.S., May 1999, STS Blacksburg, “Don’t Take My Kodachrome Away: Eastman Kodak and the Digital Age.”
- Sherry Dawson, M.S., May 1988, Department of Sociology, “The Meanings of Literacy.”
- Maureen McArthur, M.S., May 1997, , STS Blacksburg, “Entrepreneurial Activity in the University.”
- Michael Seltzer, M.S., August 1993, STS Blacksburg, “Post-World War II Controversies over Radiation Testing.”
- Tracy Glenn, M.S., May 1991, STS Blacksburg, “Language Change in Chaos Theory.”
- William Lynch, M.S., August 1989, STS Blacksburg, “Politics in Hobbes’ Mechanics: A Case Study in the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge.”
- Adam Serchuk, M.S., May 1989, STS Blacksburg, “Connectionism, Disciplinary Identity, and Continuity.”
- David M. Bott, M.S., December 1988, STS Blacksburg, “Program Officers at the National Science Foundation: A Case Study of the Biological Instrumentation Program.”
- Robert Griffiths, M.S., June 1988, STS Blacksburg, “Drug Lag in the Chemical Industry.”